About us

Welcome to Tower Hamlets Somali Organisations Network (THSON)

Mustafa Ibrahim – Chief Officer about his vision for the future:

“THSON has consistently been led by a vibrant vision for the Tower Hamlets Somali organisations and we in the charitable sector have especially appreciated the emphasis on inclusive democracy, community development, under-represented Somali communities and the education as components of that vision. A key part of this vision is ensuring that marginalised communities have the “locally grown” organisations they need to participate fully in the future of the Tower Hamlets area. Our vision is of empowered and strong Somali voluntary sector that plays a full role in the development of Tower Hamlets and the Somali heritage communities”.

Tower Hamlets Somali Organisations Network (THSON) provides guidance, co-ordination, representation and development support to the Somali voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector across Tower Hamlets and has been the main umbrella organisation for the Somali community.  Our core work supports collaboration through partnership meetings; shared learning through events; training and funding advice; volunteer support and resources, particularly to organisations that work within our most deprived communities. We help organisations that support people and their communities in these target areas that are likely to experience other barriers, directly or indirectly.

We have a track record of developing the skills of our members to build organisational and community capacity and create engagement and inclusivity. We work collaboratively across the public, private, charity and higher education sector, with the aim of creating and developing opportunities for the benefit of our members and individuals looking to volunteer. We campaign for small and large charitable organisations alike; working with commissioners and funders, so that positive outcomes can be achieved in our communities which remain deprived and under-served.

Our aim is promote, develop and support, through partnership, a dynamic and diverse Somali voluntary and community sector”.


Our Aims:

  • To ensure the Somali voluntary sector is well supported to deliver the best outcomes and the expertise of the sector is valued and maximised.
  • To work with our partners to shape local services which best meets the needs of local Somali people.
  • To bring Somali-led organisations together to build relationships, share, support and learn from each other and engage with wider agencies and organisations to promote community cohesion.
  • Help the sector to access the resources, funding and support it needs.

Our Values:

THSON believes that the Somali voluntary community, faith and social enterprise sector plays a critical role in tackling poverty and disadvantage by working with key stakeholders to address local inequalities. As a leading umbrella group, we aim to deliver to the highest standards in all we do. We strive to challenge oppression and prejudice, to promote diversity and to work towards a society where full equality of opportunities for all is a reality. Underpinning our work is our values and principles:

THSON Values:

Making a difference through

Commitment:    Committed about the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Sector

Dedication: Sustainable, well-run, responsive, and accessible organisation committed to our mission and values.

Inclusivity: Recognising the diversity of the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Sector that are responsive to the varying needs on the spectrum of small to large organisations

Advocates: Championing the needs and values of the sector, particularly small front-line organisations working with communities with multiple disadvantages

Quality: Quality at the heart of all our activities

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